Frequently asked questions - FAQ

Here are the answers to some questions we frequently receive. If you can’t find the answer to your question here then please don't hesitate to send us an email. Please also check the "General practice advice" section before coming to class.

1. I’m new to yoga – what class should I attend?

The best way to start your practice is to attend a beginners course (or an introductory session) to Ashtanga yoga. It will give you a proper foundation and a good insight into what the practice is about. After or in combination with the course you may attend Mysore Style classes. All our beginners courses include one complementary (free) Mysore class per week.

2. What is Mysore style?

Mysore style is the traditional way in which the practice of Ashtanga yoga is taught in the city of Mysore, India. Students learns to memorize a set sequence of yoga postures and each student moves through the sequence at their own pace. The teacher doesn’t “lead the class” but instead gives individual instruction/guidance when needed.

3. Can everyone practice yoga?

Mysore Style classes are a very inclusive way of teaching since it allows for all levels of students to practice at the same time. It allows the teacher to adapt the practice according to each individuals capacity and needs. The setting allows the student and teacher to work together at a much more personal level, which is ideal for beginners. A beginner will naturally receive more instruction than a seasoned practitioner but both can practice in the same class. Since there is no need to “keep up” with the other students it can be a much safer and less stressful way to learn. 

4. How do I learn the sequence?

In the beginners course you will be taught the basics and how to take the first steps of the Ashtanga Yoga Primary series. Thereafter each student is taught the practice according to their ability, one pose at a time. Therefore beginners will have a much shorter practice to start with. At first the practice may be less than an hour long, but with time it could build up to 2+ hours.

5. What if I forget/can’t remember the sequence?

Ask your teacher. At the very beginning you may also use a so called “cheat sheet” (download a copy here). Through repetition you will slowly begin to remember until the sequence becomes so natural that the yoga practice becomes like a moving meditation. Beginners are also welcome to stay after practice and observe the other practitioners in order to learn.

6. What if I can’t get there for the beginning of the class?

Then you can come later. Mysore style is drop-in and open for a few hours. As long as your practice is done by the finishing time, you can turn up when you like. Only if you attend a beginner’s course or workshop you need to be there on time.

7. What’s the ‘mantra’?

At the start of class the teacher recites a mantra to express appreciation to the lineage of teachers, specifically to the sage Patanjali who is said to be the author of the Yoga Sutra, one of the most important texts in Ashtanga yoga. The chant is done in Sanskrit. You find more information about the chants here.

8. I’m injured – can I still practice?

Injuries can be accommodated much more easily in a Mysore style class as you don’t have to keep up with the rest of the students (like you have to in a led/guided class) and you can work with your yoga teacher on an individual basis. Let the teacher know at the beginning of class if you have any injuries or illness so that she/he can help you.

9. How do I find your shala?

Directions to our shala are found under Contact . If it's your first visit please email us at least 24h before you'd like to come to class.

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Form: Frida Nilsson (Illustraform), Caroline Löfgren   •   Webb: Mikael Björs (BiT)   •   Foto: Sophie Håkansson