To facilitate everyday life for our yoga practitioners, we offer the storage of private yoga mats at the shala. This service is intended to make it easier for those of you who come to practice several times a week so that you don't have to carry your mat around all day. The shelf with private yoga mats has gradually filled up - which is a great sign that many people want take practice - BUT we have noticed that many mats remain untouched for a long time. These unused mats don’t only take up space, but also begin to smell after a while. We would therefore like to ask those of you who visit the shala less than once a week to pick up your mat (alternatively, that you start coming to practice more often of course!). Please note that we will start cleaning out unused mats if they have not been picked up before Easter.
We would also like to ask those of you who come often to class, to take your mat home from time to time in order to clean it properly and air dry it (Hanging! When the mat is always rolled up it remains damp and bacteria can thrive). We also want to remind you that only rubber mats may be stored at the shala- not cotton mats or mat towels as these must be taken home and washed. However, we appreciate if you have a band around your rubber mat so that it stays rolled up and doesn’t fall out or take up extra space when on the shelf.
We appreciate your cooperation. Together we contribute to everyone’s well-being and a pleasant environment at the shala.